Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sad Skies

Some times the sky makes me sad. I don't really know why. It just is so damn beautiful. Maybe it's the clouds. Maybe it's the knowledge that what is there today will be gone forever tomorrow. Like those clouds, constantly forming and reforming, changing shape, dissolving into sheer nothingness. Maybe it's just me being silly.

"We have a short time to stay,
As you, or anything, we die
As hours do, and die away
Like the summers rain;
Or as the pearls of morning's dew
Never to be found again"
("To Daffodils")

After the rain. (Mine, Islamabad)

Dolly's photography (Suburbs of Islamabad)


hassan said...

Hmmmm sky….what a wonderful creation of God mashAllah …for me sky has always been this something which emits this calmness on one end with a very deep feeling on the other, that deep feeling may not necessarily be sad just deep, something that just touches the bottom of your heart, just like the sound of violin .……waking up some memories or some feelings hidden deep inside……like something is scratching your heart….but I always felt that whatever effect the sky has on you not only depends on how it looks like but also on hw u r actually feeling from inside at that time..….sometimes the same sky can make u sad, can make u miss someone or miss some feeling in your life, can make u want to love or want to be loved and yeah okey i agree that it makes u sad a lot :-p…..but not in a cruel way jus in a very beautiful and calm way ……but then at times it is just so beautiful mashALlah that it makes you appreciate its Creator so much which in turn makes u feel so happy and contended from inside and makes you feel that your God loves you  which probably is the greatest feeling of all…..but see its again the difference between the feelings of different people at different points of time which make them get affected by the same thing in a different way……..n I feel it’s same for all the other things which affect us in life………but this one feeling about sky is true for everyone I guess……that it is one of the most amazing and beautiful creations of God mashAllah………….:-)

Meenah said...

I agree. The beauty of the sky makes you realize how insignificant we and our life actually is, and how there's so much, so much greater than we are, out there.

It's like rain. Rain too can make you feel sad or happy. Specially winter rain. There's something heart wrenchingly beautiful about it.

Two of the best things about Islamabad are the rain and the beautiful sky-scapes. =)

hassan said...

And these are the two things I miss about Islamabad the most ……..i don’t know since when I started loving the rain but one thing I know is that this love has stood the tests of time and place :-p…………see the place where I am right now, it’s almost always raining here , we hardly get to see the sun and the sky is always full of clouds in a very monotonous way………so much so that people start to hate this weather and long for a sunny day…..but for me ok it has lost some of its charm but still I always feel happy about it I still love walking in it or standing still looking at the sky taking the drops on my face, welcoming and absorbing the blessings of God falling down….taking them all in!...feeling the freshness all around....its jus amazing every time mashAllah and this thing has not lost its charm for me……and yes it brings with itself those similar sort of deep feelings, touching the depths of one’s heart……