Saturday, February 13, 2010

This life belongs to "Happy"

I’m through with being the “sad” person.

I had started to let that word define who I was. I was the “heart broken” one, needing constant watching-over and support. They’d look towards me every time a sad song played; ready to rush in if I looked to be falling apart. Sad ghazals, sad poetry, heart break and betrayal became the essence of my life’s story.

I’m through with being the “sad” person. There are so many adjectives I’d rather be: “fun”, “exciting”, “passionate”, and “vivacious”.

I made a new friend. I call him Red. He’s all of these words, and more. He reminded me of someone I used to know. He reminded me of me of me, a lifetime ago.

One day I saw that his perspective colored me “Sad”. That’s the word he categorized me under. Ironically, it made me even more so. =)

Because once upon a dream, I planned to always be “Happy”. []And here I am, a jaded cynic, and sad to boot. When did this happen? How could I have let life get so out of hand? When did I lose control of who I am, who I would be?

So here I am, taking the wheel again. This life belongs to "Happy".

Note: It'd be easier to understand if you read the linked post.

1 comment:

Abdullah Tariq said...

Sadness doesn't get you anywhere. Awesomeness does. n_n
And 'here comes the rest of our lives' (8) =D